Sunday, January 19, 2025
Happening Now

Pickett Commission Approves Tentative Budget Calendar To Plan FY 23-24

Pickett County Commission has approved a tentative budget calendar as it plans the next fiscal year.

County Executive Stephen Bilbrey said the first step in the budget planning process has already been completed, with budget request letters sent out to department heads and elected officials. He said the first budget committee meeting will be at the end of April.

“Of course, I know the last several years and the comptroller’s office recommends that you have a budget in place by June 30th,” “I don’t like having a budget in place by June 30th because you don’t know what you closed out with. Although it’s pretty close. My proposal is to pass the budget in July.”

Bilbrey said it is required by state law to have a budget submitted by August 31st.

Bilbrey said because it is a reappraisal year, the county commission will have to consider new property tax rates and penny rates. He said as for other county funds, their balances are currently operating as expected and do not expect major changes.

“And because of COVID and people buying stuff at more than it was worth at the time, that’s caused the values to go up,” “Of course, our tax rate right now is 2.41 and it looks like its going to be below $2 and that’s a pretty big difference. but the state is handling all of that stuff (…) Teh only way that we can change the tax rate this year is to have a public meeting after it. Basically you’re going to take in the same amount of money.”

The County Commission also approved rounding the property tax amount to the nearest dollar. He said this will help the County Trustee more efficiently process property tax payments.
