Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville Council Honors Chief As He Retires

Cookeville City Council honored Police Chief Randy Evans at his final city council meeting as he heads into retirement.

Evans said he would love to take credit for all the department’s accomplishments but he owes so much of the success to the men and women who have worked under him over the years. Evans said he is grateful for the opportunity and the honor to have served the community.

“My entire adult life I’ve served the country or served this community,” Evans said. “So I don’t know what I’ll do but I’ll find a way to serve at some point. But I appreciate each one of those councils and the best boss ever, and I mean that, for entrusting me to lead this department.”

Mayor Laurin Wheaton said Evans is leaving a legacy with the police department that can be seen through its various awards and accreditations. Wheaton said the community is better because of Evans and his work.

“There’s not many people that I can call or text message and ask what we need to do when there’s a half-naked man dancing on the corner and getting in traffic,” Wheaton said. “Which I have texted you about that before. So I’m going to miss those texts, I don’t think you will. I’m excited about, I’m going to be texting (Major Scott Winfree) now.”

Council Member Eric Walker said the chief has been a beacon of light in the community. Walker said it will be tough not having Evans as chief after all this time.

“Everything that you’ve done for our community is absolutely amazing and we appreciate it,” Walker said. “I know everybody in the community appreciates you and everything that you’ve done in your lifetime and given yourself to the city of Cookeville. There’s really not a whole lot of words that can express our gratitude, so thank you.”

Vice-Mayor Luke Eldridge said Evans is a top-notch leader who has done a fantastic job and will be missed. Eldridge said the police department has been a home away from home and Evans has been almost like a father figure for him.

“It’s going to be awkward not seeing you there,” Eldridge said. “You’ve always had the open door policy so it’s always been fun just to sit and chat with you.”

Council Member Chad Gilbert said the innovations, standards, and numbers within the police department speak to Evans’ accomplishments. Gilbert said Evans’ successes will continue to serve those that come after him.

“From a specific standpoint I truly have really appreciated watching your steady-hand-at-the-wheel style of management,” Gilbert said. “I really want to praise that standard you’ve set with that and the results speak for themselves, so thank you.”

Council Member Ali Bagci thanked Evans for his long-lasting leadership within the city. Bagci said Evans deserves the time to now go do what he loves with those who he loves.
