Crossville City Council members will look at a graduated one-time bonus for city employees when they begin considering the city’s budget.
The city has suspended its pay improvement plan temporarily because of COVID-19. City Manager Greg Wood said lower-paid employees would receive a 1.5 percent bonus, with mid-range employees at one percent, and higher-end employees at 0.5 percent.
Wood sent budget numbers to council members over the last few days. Wood said he tried to set revenues very low based on the six-week COVID-19 shutdown and the impact on sales tax revenue.
“I would ratchet those back to balance the budget,” Wood said. “We’ve pretty well cut it to the bone, if we need to cut it more, I’m open to suggestions.”
March sales tax numbers will not be available until June meaning April’s numbers, expected to be worst, will not be available until after the budget has passed.
“I’ve got draconian plans if it goes further into the fiscal year, we may have to look at doing some furloughs and cutting some other funding,” Wood said.
Last month, Wood told council members he planned to plan this year’s capital expenditures outside the budget. The council could then consider those projects case-by-case as revenue became available.
Crossville City Council members set its first budget work session for Thursday May 14 at 5pm. The work session will be held via video conferencing.