Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Happening Now

Control Of Van Buren Ag Learning Center Given To Extension Office

Van Buren County has given administrative control of the Agriculture Learning Center to the UT-Extension Office.

When asked why change control, Commissioner Brian Simmons said everything in the Ag Learning Center was bought by UT.

“Because of renting that stuff out, something getting tore up in there, that type of thing,” Simmons said. “So any of that administrative stuff should be taken care of through the extension agent.”

The county fair board was in control of the property. Commissioners approved giving the fair board administrative control over the lower level of the Burritt College Building.

“We didn’t want to leave the fair board out in the cold and not have a place to rent out,” Simmons said. “So what we discussed is giving administrative control of the lower level of the Burritt College Building and the grounds where the amphitheater and all that stuff is to the fair board. If they wanted to rent that lower level out or something like that for events to raise money for the fair.”

In other business, the Van Buren County Commission will list the BDS property with a real estate broker capable of nationally advertising the property.

The county commission agreed for Mayor Greg Wilson to solicit bids from real estate brokers to get the property back on the market. Commissioner Brian Simmons said Committee B intends to open the broker bids during its November meeting.

Simmons made the amendment to list the property nationally, asking for any broker who submits a bid to have an MLS number. An MLS number or Multiple Listing Service number is a number assigned to a property within the MLS system.
