Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

Clay Schools Could See Budget Increases With New Tax Rate

This week’s tax rate decision by the Clay County Budget Committee could mean more money for the school system.

School Board Chair Benji Bailey told the School Board Thursday night the committee made the decision taking into account the reappraised rate as recommended by the state.

“As a result of the state assessment what they could have chosen would have been $2.36 and that would have generated the same amount of money that we received last year,” Bailey said. “Our county commission (budget committee) passed the rate at $2.60 and that increases our budget by about $140,000, and we’re thankful for that.”

Before reappraisals this year, the rate was set at some $3.10 for several years. The school board voted to approve the revised school budget with the biggest change coming from the new rate.

The county commission will vote to officially set the new rate following a public hearing at its August 15th meeting.

“But that will be the recommendation to the county commission by the budget committee,” Bailey said. “(…) Part of the discussion was, well almost a plea by Ms. Donna Hamilton, we understand you all have voted for this eight to two, let’s leave it here so we can pass the budget, if not they’ll have to come back. And if they change the rate, then we would have to come back. Again this is just based on information we have now that we expect to be passed.”

In other business, the school board also approved on second reading the new grading scale. Bailey said that they decided to change the scale unilaterally.
