Sunday, January 12, 2025
Happening Now

Clay Schools Opposing Education Freedom Act

Clay County Schools approved a resolution Thursday night to oppose Governor Bill Lee’s Education Freedom Act.

The voucher system would publicly fund some 20,000 students to attend private and charter schools. Chairman Benji Bailey said the resolution was proposed by State Representative Kelly Keisling to help fight against the bill.

“Kelly wanted our thoughts and we are grateful for that,” Bailey said. “He has been a great partner for us not only for our school system but our county as a whole in the region that he represents, and so he asked us to opine on it to be able to establish his stance as well.”

Bailey said Keisling has also received opinions from other school systems within District 38. Bailey said the board is against the voucher system as it would bring charter schools that would not have to follow the same guidelines as county schools.

“We as a county school system have to follow the state standards,” Bailey said. “Our concern is that charter schools or anything that is created as a result of this voucher program might not be held to the same standard and follow the same standards that our educating professionals across the state have designed for students throughout our great state.”

Bailey said the voucher system could also reduce future funding for county school systems. Bailey said the voucher system may work for other school systems but not for Clay County Schools.

“We would feel as though we could educate our kids in our community and our county as well as anyone,” Bailey said.

As rumors continue to stir about a possible special legislative session being called to specifically discuss the voucher system, Bailey said the board will keep a close eye on the matter.
