Thursday, February 13, 2025
Happening Now

Chapman-Fowler: Algood Park Project Making Progress

The Algood Park project is moving forward as fast as the city can afford to work on it despite concerns from some local citizens.

Mayor Lisa Chapman-Fowler said she understands that some people in the community are unhappy with a supposed lack of progress on the park. Chapman-Fowler said the park was planned from the start to have multiple phases that will take multiple years to complete.

“We have a budget that we have to live with, and we have to do things as we can,” Chapman-Fowler said. “So yes, we are piecing it together a little at a time and trying to stay within the city’s budget, and, as time passes, I’m sure folks will see more and more happening out there.”

Chapman-Fowler said the city has applied for lots of different kinds of grants to help with the project, but that recreational grants are highly competitive.

The city purchased land in 2017 to construct the park between Highway 111 and Main Street. The master plan includes The master plan fields, a splash pad, amphitheater, community center, and playground.

She said that anyone who is interested in supporting the project can give funds to the city and designate the contribution to the park.

“For several years now we’ve applied for the Blue Cross grant for the parks, Blue Cross Blue Shield, and we have been turned down every time,” Chapman-Fowler said.

Chapman-Fowler said a local bank has contributed money towards the project on the condition that the park is made to be handicap accessible.

“We’re always looking for ways and ideas that we can add to the park or, you know, we’re concerned with, you know, life issues and quality of life and not only progress as far as business is concerned, but we want our citizens to be able to enjoy their town too,” Chapman-Fowler said.
