A secondary entrance will be added to the Algood Walmart to make commuting easier for customers.
City Administrator Keith Morrison said he hopes the project begins this summer.
“I think it’s going to ease some of our traffic congestion there because a lot of the time folks that come back out of Big Mac Drive, if they try to make a left and come back in town, and sometimes even making a right to go out of town, there’s so much traffic coming in and out that they can’t get in or out of that intersection,” Morrison said.
Two lanes of traffic will be added to the end of the Walmart parking lot on Big Mac Drive. Morrison said there hasn’t been many accidents in that area, but it will be more convenient for residents.
“Some of our traffic that lives north of Algood, when they leave Walmart, could actually avoid the red light and come out Big Mac Drive and possibly make that right hand turn and get onto Highway 111 a little bit quicker and easier as well,” Morrison said.
A request was sent in to Walmart’s corporate office for permission to widen the area. Morrison said once the request is approved, engineering and bidding for the project will begin.