Thursday, January 23, 2025
Happening Now

White County To Vote On Sales Tax Referendum

The White County Commission will have the chance to participate in a sales tax increase referendum.

The referendum comes from a decision made by the City of Sparta.

County Executive Denny Wayne Robinson said the commission will vote to join or abstain from the referendum.

“It kind of puts their referendum on hold until the outcome of the county’s referendum,” Robinson said. “And then if the county’s referendum passes then it moves forward as the official tax rate. If the county’s referendum fails, then it will revert back to the city and the city still has a chance to pass it within the city.”

A passed referendum would increase the sales tax by approximately 25 cents.

Robinson said the commission seems to split on the idea of participating.

“We have people that are for it. And when I say for it, I don’t mean they are necessary for the tax but they are for the right for the people in the county to get a chance to vote on it,” Robinson said. “There are a couple of these commissioners that are actually against the tax but are for the right for people to get to vote on it.”

The original sales tax increase in Sparta would provide additional funding for the city’s roads.
