Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Happening Now

White County Rejects Funding For Inspector

The White County Commission voted against approving the recommendation to allocate $28,000 for a second codes inspector Tuesday night.

Several commissioners questioned the budget implications of the change, especially at mid-year. The proposal would have been funded by an increase in building permit fees to $1 per square foot. County Executive Denny Wayne Robinson said surrounding cities and counties have increased the building permit fees.

“My understanding through our codes officer, I’ve not, had a chance to double-check this yet, that the city (Sparta) may have already moved theirs up (building permit fees),” Robinson said. “So we need to at least be in line with them so everything’s the same across the county, would be my suggestion.”

The budget committee discussed the issue two weeks ago, citing concerns the codes staff was falling behind in responding to the county’s growth. Robinson said he plans to bring the issue back to the Commission. Budget preparations will begin soon.

In other businesses, a White County citizen has donated $6,000 in funds to be dispersed among sheriff, fire, and animal shelters.

The Commission approved repairs to a fire engine. A $2,650 grant going to the library. The county will donate $5,000 to the friends of White County Animal Shelter to help with spaying and neutering.
