Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

White Co High School Getting Heating And Cooling Upgrade

White County High School will be getting some air upgrades through a new chiller and boiler.

Director of Schools Kurt Dronebarger said the equipment that heats and cools the air has been in use since the school was constructed in the 1960’s.

“We’ve updated our school many times since then,” Dronebarger said. “We’ve put additions for the school, but we’re getting to the point now that it is certainly inefficient, and it’s breaking down quite a bit. The challenge is right now are finding contractors and finding parts.”

Dronebarger said the district would like to start the work this fall during cooler weather since the air system would be out. Dronebarger said Cookeville Heating and Cooling will be conducting the work with a price tag of some $400,000.

“Temperature the room climate would be so much better, but air purification would be better as well,” Dronebarger said. “There would be some new systems in play there.”

Dronebarger said the air and health stand point allowed the cost to be covered by the second installment of COVID relief school funding. Dronebarger said White County High School being the largest building in the system makes the upgrade needed.
