Sunday, January 19, 2025
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Warren County Ambulance Services Receive State Award

Warren County Ambulance Services has received state recognition for excellence in emergency medical services.

This is the Bob Thomas ALS Service Award and Warren County was selected out of over 160 departments. Ambulance Services Director Preston Denney said it was a humbling experience to be awarded at the Tennessee Ambulance Service Association Conference.

“The training program that we have, we’ve just over the last four or five years we’ve kind of stepped up,” Denney said. “Our critical care paramedics, you know a lot of services have only got two or three and we’re about 60 percent of our staff now, we’re all critical care paramedics.”

Denney said outreach for CPR and first aid training in the community and schools play a part in the award. He said participating in local charity events and giving back is about creating a connection to emergency services.

“It’s important for us to give back,” Denney said. “Hopefully we can recruit more people over the next few years and get them to help do the same.”

Denney said the award credits the department’s work at all levels.

“It’s definitely a team effort and then even back to the county,” Denney said. “The county supports us and we couldn’t do any of it without any of the parts.”

Denney said the Tennessee Ambulance Service Association fights for Tennessee’s smaller counties and their ambulance departments. Denney said TASA has accomplished getting increased Medicaid rates for the county in 2020.
