Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Vandalism Continues As Monterey Officials Explore Options To Stop The Issue

Monterey Alderman Bill Wiggins asked the board to consider additional options as vandalism of public facilities continues to be an issue.

Cultural Administrator Rafferty Cleary said the most recent example occurred at the Standing Stone Monument Park. Cleary said stones were kicked out from under the seating area within a pergola.

“I would say over the past six months at least it has been worse than it has ever been since I have been here coming up on three years,” Cleary said. “A little bit more brazen, but I don’t think we are unique. Towns face this every where.”

Wiggins said the board should speak to its attorney to see if a cash reward can be offered for any information.

“The county maintains that monument park for us,” Cleary said. “We contacted the county and they have it temporarily fixed. It will be more permanently fixed in the coming days. We appreciate them for jumping on it as quickly as they did. To my knowledge that is the only issue we have faced since Bee Rock.”

Graffiti at Bee Rock and destroyed facilities at Whitaker Park are other recent examples of vandalism. Cleary said he is exploring security camera options to help combat the issue.

“The message is community,” Cleary said. “Treat it with respect and do your part to make it a great place to live. These facilities are here for you to use and enjoy and not for you to destroy.”

Cleary said the paint at Bee Rock has been cleaned thanks to some Monterey High School student volunteers.
