Friday, March 21, 2025
Happening Now

Van Buren Takes Next Step In Daycare Project At Masonic Building

Van Buren County accepting bids to renovate its Old Masonic Building to house a daycare facility.

The County Commission moved forward with the project Tuesday night. Three private parties have expressed interest in leasing the building.

Mayor Greg Wilson said he estimates the work to cost about $30,000. Wilson said using American Rescue Plan money for the project could be a possibility.

Wilson said the building itself has been renovated recently, but the location needs a fenced-in playground, two additional entrances and kitchen renovations to become compliant.

The building is located behind the Burritt Memorial Library at College Street. Wilson said to make the requirements for a daycare, a concrete ramp also needs to be installed at the back part of the building, the stairs leading to the kitchen need to be improved and two bathrooms need upgrades.
