The Upper Cumberland Regional Airport is ready to clear an old farmhouse off the property, avoiding safety hazards.
Airport Manager Dean Selby said the board took demolition bids previously, but wanted to assure the remaining building materials were disposed of properly. Selby said that long-term, clearing the area opens up more room for ramp expansion.
“That house is very close to the runway and it would not be an ideal situation, even if the house was in good shape, to be where it is,” Selby said. “When this airport was expanded several years ago it put that house within close proximity to the taxi ways.”
Selby said the airport board wants to get the demolition started after the the Air Fair event this weekend. Selby said he plans to reach out to the low-bidder from the prior time the project was put out.
He said that as long as the price is still below $5,000 then the board will want to move forward on demolition.
“One of the first quotes that we got before we bid it out was actually under the purchasing authority of what the board can do without an actual formal bid,” Selby said. “They told me that if I can get that gentleman and that company to still agree to do it for that price then we can move forward with it.”
Selby said that in the immediate, clearing the space would allow for emergency access to the airport. Selby said the farmhouse is roughly 70-80 years old.