Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

UCEMC’s Jimmy Gregory Retires After 47 Years

After 47 years of employment, Upper Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation General Manager Jimmy Gregory has announced his retirement.

Gregory played an instrumental role in restoring the power grid along Highway 70 after the March Tornado. Gregory said the natural disaster made his last year one to remember.

“I knew going into this year would be my last,” Gregory said. “I kind of planned how I wanted my last year with the co-op to kind of go. Nothing works out I guess how you plan it. March third everything changed.”

Gregory said going from power restoration efforts straight to COVID made this year difficult for his customers.

“March the 11th or 12th, we were winding up our restoration efforts with our members that could receive power,” Gregory said. “We had our office facility up and running on a temporary basis there, but the COVID-19 was on the horizon. It was coming. There may have been one or two cases in Putnam County at the time. Maybe not even any cases in Smith and Jackson, but from there things kind of exploded.”

In response, UCEMC discontinued collecting delinquent accounts and cutting power. Gregory said giving the membership time to recover is one of the things he is most proud of over his 11 years as general manager.

“We discontinued any efforts of disconnecting those members who were having a hard time or any member that was delinquent. That was put in place until June 15th,” Gregory said. “We made every effort to assist our membership going through those very difficult times.”

Gregory said he thanks all of his co-workers and the company itself for his time of employment.

“I have had a good career. I have been blessed to work for an organization like UCEMC,” Gregory said. “Very appreciative of the opportunities given to me by the board of directors. I wish nothing but the best for the Upper Cumberland, and it is in good hands.”

Jennifer Brogdon will serve as the new CEO and General Manager effective January 4, 2021. Brogdon held leadership roles at Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) in marketing, innovation and regulatory areas.
