Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

UC Habitat For Humanity Expanding Home Repair Program For Vets

Upper Cumberland Habitat for Humanity has received funding to expand its home repair program for disabled veterans.

Neighbor 2 Neighbor Project Manager Hope Craig said this will cover accessibility, weatherization, and other repairs within the project’s budget. Craig said the goal is to connect with enough veterans to make this program permanent.

“This allows for an extended age range,” Craig said. “Veterans of all people, definitely deserve these repairs. Usually they are low-income and it’s something that they really need.”

Craig said there is no age restrictions for veterans and they can be disabled to any extent for any reason. Craig said that as long as veterans apply for the program, funding should continue to be available.

“We hope to continue to apply for these kinds of funds and just continue this program,” Craig said. “We hope this becomes a part of the Neighbor 2 Neighbor program permanently.”

Craig said that when the program only applied to seniors, often they would just barely miss the necessary criteria.

“We have a lot of applicants who are ages 60 and up and we have a lot of applicants who are either just below that or are in a precarious situation,” Craig said. “Where they desperately need these repairs but for some reason they don’t qualify.”

This program applies to veterans living in either Overton or Putnam County.

She said that family members and caregivers can contact on the veteran’s behalf by either calling Upper Cumberland Habitat for Humanity or emailing her at
