Saturday, January 11, 2025
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Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month: Wear Orange For Love

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

The Upper Cumberland Justice Center is one of many organizations bringing awareness to the issue. Coordinated Community Response Specialist Dasha Cross said one out of three teenagers in the US will experience an abusive relationship before adulthood.

“You can break it down between physical, sexual or emotional abuse,” Cross said. “I would say emotional abuse is the most prevalent in terms of manipulation, peer pressure and forcing coercion.”

Nearly one in 11 female and one in 14 male high school students reported physical dating violence in the past year. Cross said teenagers that have faced that struggle have just as many opportunities as adults to receive help.

“There’s plenty of crisis lines,” Cross said. “Obviously, they can come here to us at the Upper Cumberland Family Justice Center, or if they’re in high school, they can talk to their counselors about it. If they’re in college, there are counselors in the women’s center and places like that that they can go. There is always plentiful of people that are willing and ready to help.”

Cross said parents can also play a vital role in preventing a abusive relationship. Cross said parental figures can layout what a healthy relationship looks like, so teenagers know the red flags.

“Some teenagers may not ever experience this dating violence but knowing what to look for in the good ways and the bad ways is the best education that they can have,” Cross said.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month was observed Tuesday as individuals were encouraged to stand with survivors by “Wearing Orange for Love.” For more information about recognizing signs of abuse, please visit

If you are a survivor of sexual violence, you can find help and support in Tennessee at or call the Statewide Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-866-811-7473.
