Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

Sparta Aldermen Discuss Grant Work On Guidelines Preserving Historic Buildings

Sparta will consider soliciting for bids from companies to reestablish its building codes for historic zonings.

Mayor Jeff Young said the matter came from the city’s historic board wanting to update guidelines after being inactive.

“I think the way our historic downtown is and has been preserved for the last 110 years we would not be doing our job as a city board if we did not provide protections for those people who have invested downtown,” Young said.

City Attorney Lynn Omohundro said currently, Sparta has no standing to enforce the exterior preservation of historic buildings. Omohundro said the codes would be similar to subdivision restrictions.

“I mean do you want a mobile home next to your house?” Omohundro said. “Part of it is for the control for the benefit for everybody.”

Young said ultimately, it is up to the board, but he would like to give the historic board the tools to succeed. Alderman Judy Payne, who is a member of the historic zoning board, said, “We need it.”

Historic Preservation Planner Mark Dudney said the local historic zoning board will still have authority of the district if an outside company creates the guideline.

A $20,000 federal grant requiring a $8,000 match from Sparta would pay for the work. Young said the item would be included on the agenda for January to give the Board of Aldermen time to consider.
