Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

Monterey Yard-Sellers Moved Across Holly Street

Monterey Aldermen voted Monday night to move yard sellers in the Farmers Market facility to a grassy area on the railroad side of South Holly Street.

Alderman Bill Wiggins said an event June 22 brought the issue to a head again, the conflict between yard sales and farmers. Alderman Charles Looper said the yard sellers would have a lot more space across the street.

“It’s a much better spot than where they are now because they’ve got more parking,” Looper said. “It’s just, and it blocks the Farmers Market. People are not happy because they won’t come there, some of them anyway, because the flea market’s our front and it blocks them.”

Cultural Administrator Rafferty Cleary said the town would have to carefully coordinate with Fed-Ex and other truck drivers who use the nearby loading dock. He said the new spot will require special markings to signify that only the grassy area is being allocated for yard-selling use.

“It may be a couple of weeks before it gets implemented,” Cleary said. “Because we’re going to have to let folks know it’s happening to make the change.”

He said the yard sellers typically use the space Wednesdays through Saturdays.

In other business, Monterey Aldermen voted to rezone property on Monterey Highway from R-1 to General Commercial.

Alderman Bill Wiggins said the property belongs to Developer Donnie Suits. The General Commercial zoning district allows the development of shopping centers and industrial parks.

The board also voted unanimously to stick to its original schedule for employees after several lobbied to have the Friday following Independence Day off. Alderman Jim Whitaker said he has been a worker all of his life and understands the wishes of the employees, but the requests are getting out of hand.

“You gave them a holiday and then you add stuff, and if you give it this time, they’re going to want the next one,” Whitaker said.

Board Member Amy Martin said it is nothing personal, but keeping employees at work as originally scheduled is the best use of taxpayer money.
