Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

Lack Of Industrial Land In Overton Has Stopped Several Opportunities

Eighty-two companies have requested information to move to Overton County in the past year, but the county has no land offer.

That is according to Livingston Overton County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Shannon Cantrell. She said the lack of industrial property is a problem.

“We have no additional land available for industrial growth,” Cantrell said. “From my standpoint, as a community we are either growing or we are dying. From a chamber standpoint, it is important that we continue to grow.”

The county had a chance to purchase some 210 acres on Rickman Road for industrial development. The item died in committee before reaching the full county commission. Cantrell said just three weeks ago, a company visited the site.

Cantrell said the lack of industrial opportunity has impacted the county in many ways. Cantrell said the youth move away for better jobs and other residents seek work in neighboring counties.

“All that we are doing is pushing these folks away,” Cantrell said. “We want our youth to stay here, so we need to provide jobs for them. We want to stay local, and we can do that by providing jobs here. What typically happens is people will go to Cookeville to work. They’ll get their gas in Cookeville. They’ll go grocery shopping in Cookeville. They’re spending all their money in Cookeville, but they live in Overton County.”

Cantrell said she has had conversations with one of the companies interested in developing the Rickman Road site. Cantrell said it seems there is still a chance.

“We’re still very hopeful that this project will play out positively,” Cantrell said. “I think it is unfortunate that things happened the way they did, but I also think it is important that we continue to have a positive outlook.”
