Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Free Counseling Effort to Support Tornado Survivors

The Onsite Foundation is offering three different ways to provide counseling to survivors of the March Tornado.

There is virtual therapy, online intensive therapy for those who lost a loved one and scholarships to pay for in-person therapy to anyone who can no longer afford to pay for a therapist. Onsite Foundation Executive Director Deanna Wantz said using this healing opportunity could help avoid feeling the tornado’s effects, as time passes.

“When things start to slowdown your body starts to realize, ‘oh my gosh, something happened and I haven’t dealt with it,’ and so that’s when PTSD symptoms can really start to arise and cause havoc in your life,” Wantz said. “Having flashbacks, being activated by a certain sound and just allowing you to not be able to concentrate and move forward like you would want to.”

Wantz said survivors should consider that they do not have to lose a loved one or property to be affected, simply fearing for your life and surviving can create panic and flashbacks. Wantz said this type of free support, will not always be available as Middle Tennessee moves further away from the disaster.

“We really want to help people as much as we can while we do have the resources,” Wantz said. “So that if someone were to all of a sudden realize they’re having PTSD symptoms three or four years down the road and there’s no resources left, that they’re not able to get help.”

Survivors can apply for assistance at by using the Tennessee Tornado Support program tab. Wantz said this is a chance for survivors to begin their healing, if they have not had the resources to do so.

“We’ll connect them with a local therapist,” Wantz said. “Then we’re able to provide, pay for the one on one counseling that they’ll need to begin their healing.”

Wantz said most mass trauma survivors do not realize the effects of the event until months later. This counseling is available through grants provided by the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee and To Nashville, With Love Fund.
