Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

Final Day To Pay Property Taxes On Monday

This week marks the last few days to pay property taxes.

Overton County Trustee Peggy Clark Smith said that with the deadline on Monday, this is a very busy time for her office. She said that out of $8 million due, about one-fourth of that is still unpaid.

“It is broken down by the county tax rate which is set by the county commission,” Smith said. “Our general fund gets a percentage, our solid waste gets a percentage, highway department gets a little, and then our GP schools and our debt service. It’s broken down by those five funds.”

Smith said that starting March 1st interest will apply at an additional 1.5 percent for each month the tax goes unpaid. She said that after two years, the delinquent taxes will be turned over to the clerk and master’s office where should they still be unable to collect, it will go to a tax sale on the property.

Smith said that one thing she wants to emphasize is that when you buy property, you should make sure taxes are in fact being paid on it. She said that the trustee’s office can help individuals check on that process.

“Because sometimes things do happen and they might not get paid or the mortgage company may not request it,” Smith said. “Or lots of times they think the taxes are paid at closing and that’s not always the case. Taxes come out in October and you have from October 1st to February 28th to pay without any interest.”

Smith said that seniors, the disabled, and veterans have the option to apply for a tax relief program.
