Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville Water Hoping To Bid Out For Water Leak Survey Services

Cookeville’s Water Quality Control Department hoping to bid out work for leak surveys.

Director Designee Barry Turner said that the surveyor will follow about 145 miles of water lines to listen for leaks in the center part of town.

“He can find leaks that don’t surface on their own so it basically pays for itself in the savings of the water,” Turner said. “That’s why we’re doing this because it can be high numbers. I mean we’ve seen other cities or utility districts up to 50 percent water loss. Our goal is to be around 20 percent water loss.”

Turney said that they bid out this work every other year or so. The total bid for the work is some $35,400, which city council voted to approve at its Thursday night meeting.
