Friday, January 10, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville Receives Two Over-Budget Skate Park Bids

Cookeville city officials will look to cut costs after receiving two bids for its proposed skate park project that were over budget.

Leisure Services Director Rick Woods said the lowest bid included an overall price tag of $698,000, more than $100,000 over the city’s allocated budget for the project.

“What we did on Friday was talk with the low-bidder to see if there might be any cost-savings there if we can value engineer that somewhat,” Woods said. “We also talked with GrindLine about seeing if there was some way we could save some dollars there.”

Woods said the lowest bid – submitted by FTM Contracting in Cookeville – included a $405,000 proposal for the skating area alone. The bid came in about $5,000 over the city’s allocated budget for that portion of the project. FTM’s bid would also include about $43,00 for treating and retaining water on-site.

The second bid submitted for the project was through Mid-State Construction of Livingston with a bid just under $750,000.

If the City Council chooses to accept the bids, they will look into ways to save money on the project, such as using city workers to complete some of the work.

Cookeville City Council will consider awarding the bid during Thursday’s meeting at 5:30 p.m.
