Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

Cookeville City Judge David Ledbetter Announces Retirement

Cookeville City Judge David Ledbetter has announced he will retire, effective December 31st, 2021.

City Manager James Mills said Ledbetter has been the city judge for 41 years. He said that the city is asking the council to appoint Joy Buck Gothard to finish Ledbetter’s term. If appointed, Mills said that Gothard would serve until July 2023.

“It’s been really enjoyable working with David we’re going to miss him,” Mills said. “You know I’ve worked with him for more than 20 years, and he’s going to be a difficult one to replace.”

Gothard currently serves as Special Judge in Judge Ledbetter’s absence. Mills said that she has agreed to serve as Judge for the unexpired term, with Dana Looper as Special Judge to serve in Gothard’s absence.

Mills said that a role of a City Judge typically involves traffic and codes violations.

“But he can have a busy docket,” Mills said. “We’ve seen 20, 30 people in here at a time.”

Council will vote on the appointment at its meeting Thursday night.
