Sunday, January 12, 2025
Happening Now

CHS Main Entrance Security Upgrades

Cookeville High School is adding a storefront glass wall to increase security measures to their main entrance by next school year.

Director of Facilities John Magura said the wall will be installed to direct any person entering the building to the main office. Currently, visitors can access the main corridor straight from the entrance.

“What we are trying to do is keep any person entering the building from going into the main corridor without us knowing it,” Magura said.

Once entering the office, visitors must sign in and receive a visitor’s badge. The visitor must sign out and return the badge before leaving campus.

The Putnam County School Board approved the upgrades on May 7th. Magura said the project will be out to bid in the next 30 days.

Cookeville High School has one full-time safety resource officer on campus. Additionally, all school doors (except the front entrance) are closed and locked after the morning bell as a safety measure for students and staff. CHS operates approximately twelve cameras which run 24/7.
