Saturday, January 11, 2025
Happening Now

Blood Assurance In Critical Need Of Blood And Platelet Donors

Blood Assurance has a critical need of donors due to traumas and low donor turnout across its service area.

A company press release said there’s a half day’s supply of O-negative on the shelf right now. O-positive, A-positive, A-negative, and B-negative red cells are also in urgent need and platelet need is critical.

“O-negative is the blood used in trauma situations so it is imperative that we get O-negative donors in as soon as possible, said Dr. Elizabeth Culler, medical director at Blood Assurance. “We need people to come in as soon as possible to help our hospitals replenish the blood that was used by traumas this morning and to make sure we have what they need.”

Blood Assurance is asking everyone who can donate blood to please do so as soon as possible during this time of critical need.

To be eligible to donate blood, you must be at least 17 years old (16 years old with parental consent), weigh 110 pounds or more and be in good health. Donors are asked to drink plenty of fluids — avoiding caffeine — and eat a meal that is rich in iron prior to donating.

To schedule an appointment or find a donor center or mobile drive near you, please visit, call 800-962-0628 or text ‘BAGIVE’ to 999777.
