Sunday, January 12, 2025
Happening Now

Aging Services of The UC Need Long-Term Care Advocates

Aging Services of The Upper Cumberland are in need of volunteer ombudsmen they can train.

Executive Director Marie Ferran said they provide free legal assistance and place ombudsmen in long term care facilities as advocates. Ferran said the struggle right now is they need volunteers but cannot place them in facilities because of COVID.

“Safety has got to be our primary concern for both the residents and for our potential volunteers,” Ferran said. “So our plan is definitely to continue training and then as we can, to place the volunteer.”

Ferran said the wait would be worth it. She said the position is rewarding, as volunteers are the voice for residents in long-term care facilities.

She said this can range from making sure coffee is hot in the morning to speaking up against abusive employees.

Ferran said she asks anyone interested to call 931-432-4210
