Overton County Director Of Schools Donnie Holman said system officials are concerned about the school’s low performance on the state education report.
Overton Schools scored zero As, two Bs, three Cs, and two Ds. Four schools held steady, while three schools scored lower than last year. Holman said school officials are concerned for A.H. Roberts Elementary and Hilham Elementary, which both received Ds this year. Holman said the district is conducting a “root cause analysis” to determine what needs to be addressed most throughout the school system.
“Here at the system level we have met and looked at the scores and tried to determine what could have caused the various changes,” Holman said. “We’ve also spoken with each school to get their input as well and we’re trying to just work together to see what areas need our focus.”
Holman said the high rate of teacher turnover is a main area of concern. Holman said they will continue to look into each school but there are already steps in place to improve the district going forward.
“We’re providing strong and effective professional development for our teachers and we’re encouraging a lot of effective time management and we’re working on our chronic absenteeism and so forth,” Holman said.
Holman said it is the work that everyone in the district does now and through the rest of the year that will truly shape the long-term success of the system.
“We realize that test scores are only one measure of success,” Holman said. “And they don’t really define the dedication that we have to our schools and our system. Again, we plan to celebrate the small victories and progress. No matter how small, they all deserve some recognition.”
Holman said last year was a “banner year” for the system as a whole but this year has not gone as well. Holman said school officials are confident that things will come around in the future.