West Cemetery Road in Cookeville will be closed down at one o’clock today for Soapbox Derby practice.
Anthony Leonard is a Lieutenant at the Cookeville Police Department.
“So we will close down the road at one o’clock and we will set up the track here at West Cemetery road, it takes about four hours to do that. And from four o’clock to eight o’clock the racers will have what we call Open Hill,” Leonard said. “They will have an opportunity to race their car down the hill, to find their favorite lane, figure out what side of the track they think is fastest.”
The annual Soapbox Derby will take place tomorrow on West Cemetery Road. Leonard said the city puts a lot of work into the event.
“Well to plan the soapbox derby it takes about three to four months of planning,” Leonard said. “It is an event that takes about forty-five to fifty volunteers and we have about thirty to forty community partners. There are a lot of loose ends that need to come together at once.”
This year, the Derby has sixty-two riders ranging from ages seven through seventeen, Leonard said. Three divisions will compete.
Most of the drivers are sponsored by local businesses. The sponsors and parents usually help the drivers build their soapbox car, Leonard said.
“Soapbox derby cars take about eight to ten hours to build and once they are built they take a whole lot of time to really fine tune,” Leonard said. “To make sure the wheels are straight, to make sure the axils are straight and to make sure the child weighs in perfectly to have the best advantage going down the hill.”
Leonard said this event would not happen without the sponsors and volunteers.
“We would invite all of our wonderful citizens to come out and enjoy the time, watch the kids, and root them on and encourage them to do well. It is a real good opportunity to volunteer if you are looking for something to do tomorrow. Then come out and enjoy the Soapbox Derby. We have got plenty of things we could use help with.”
The Soapbox Derby starts at 7:00 AM, June 16. Champions from each division will be sent to the World Championships in Akron, Ohio.