Monday, January 20, 2025
Happening Now

White Commission Approves Legal Action Against TWRA

The White County Commission approved moving forward with legal action against TWRA’s quail habitat project Tuesday night.

The decision came just hours after the county received TWRA would not move forward with the controversial clear cutting project. But, the county does not have the statement in writing. Commissioner Dillard Quick said a verbal intention is not enough.

“Until they come with some paperwork saying they are not going to do it, I mean my vote is to go ahead with it and have it ready to go. When they intend on doing it and don’t then we’re already ahead of the game.”

County Attorney John Meadows said the passed resolution authorizes White County to use the services of Nashville-based Ortale Kelley Law Firm to move forward with a lawsuit. Meadows said the resolution remains open ended in the event TWRA does proceed with the project.

“In the event TWRA does follow through with its expressed intentions of abandoning the project, then a lawsuit would be moot and there wouldn’t be any cause of action,” Meadows said.

White County Sparta Chamber of Commerce President Marvin Bullock during the Tuesday special called meeting told commissioners to be, “leary” of TWRA’s intentions. Bullock has been against the clear cutting project since the plans were released.

“Whatever happens remain vigilant, because we need to wait and see what is put in writing,” Bullock said.

Meadows said there would be no financial obligation to the county in the event of a lawsuit other than incidental costs. Meadows said fees would be paid by the defendant ordered by the court, a settlement agreement or a third party legal defense fund.
