Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

White Co. Commission Approves Redistricting Plan

White County Commissioners approved the county’s redistricting plan Monday night.

The new districts keep with the county’s current system of seven districts with two commissioners per district. Administrator of Elections Dorcas Marcum said that she estimates some 1,500 residents will be moved around.

“District 7 had more people than we needed,” Marcum said. “So we had to move people from District 7 into 2, and then some of District 2 into 1. So you have to kind of shift them around.”

She said that no commissioner seats were moved in the redistricting.

Marcum said she hopes to notify those in a new district or with a new voting precinct by December 1st. Marcum said that when people move districts, there is often a concern that the change will lead to not voting. She said that no one’s district change should add a substantial travel time to their voting precinct.

“We kind of looked at that,” Marcum said. “And changing people from maybe District 7 into District 2, it might take them two more minutes to get to their precinct. And, of course, we also do early voting, we always encourage that. We’re always here for that and always will be.”

Marcum said that any person with questions or concerns should contact the elections office, and they’ll be happy to address them.
