Warren County’s new Caring Dads Program wants to teach fathers accused of domestic violence how to put a child’s needs first.
Warren County General Sessions Judge Ryan Moore said the program is designed to act as alternative sentencing for fathers accused. He said Community Probation Services General Manager Michael Wright facilitated the start of the program in Warren County. Wright said the program benefits children by helping those around them make better decisions.
“We introduce different understanding and different class work in each week,” Wright said. “So, It’ll kind of build upon itself for every week, so by the time they’ve reached toward the end, they should be recognizing some of the decisions and some of their actions.”
Moore said candidates can be approved for the class in General Sessions Court or Juvenile Court. He said in some cases, completing the 17-week course can result in offenders avoiding convictions or having abuse charges dismissed.
Warren County just the second county in the state to implement the program.
“It boils down to trying to get them to understand that a lot of decision-making should be taken with the child’s decisions in mind,” Wright said. “What benefits the child best? Not necessarily what benefits them best, but taking how it’s going to affect the child into account
Moore said judges will screen offenders to decide if they are appropriate candidates for the class. He said he learned about the course during a judicial conference in 2023 and brought the idea home.
“Even if it’s in a multi-parent household and like I said, the relationships are split,” Wright said. “but it’s just to kind of help foster that communication where it just benefits the child for the best.”
Wright said while participation in the class can help a father avoid harsh sentencing, the children involved are the main focus. He said domestic violence and abuse are issues throughout the state of Tennessee, but fostering healthy relationships between fathers and their children through education is the first step in chipping away at the problem.