Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Van Buren Widening Brock Lane

Van Buren County will widen Brock Lane off of Cane Creek-Cummingsville Road so cars can safely pass by one another.

Commissioner Michael Chandler said he spoke with the residents on that road and they are in favor of the change. Commissioner Michael Woodlee said they have enough easement to expand the road without needing permission from citizens.

“I’m backing in people’s driveway when I meet the school bus,” Woodlee said. “And that’s dangerous in itself. I mean if one tire of my truck goes over in the ditch, I’m turning over. And the same situation with the school bus.”

County Mayor David Sullivan said Road Supervisor Randy Oakes told him they need to widen the road to at least nineteen feet wide to allow cars to pass one another. The motion passed seven to three with some commissioners saying they should confirm the exact details of the project before going forward.

“I’m always for safety, but we don’t want to get in a jam neither or nothing, you know,” Commissioner Kenny Smith said.

Commissioner Dusty Madewell said they need to make sure that expanding the road will not cause any drainage issues for the area.

“It needs to be widened because it is a rabbit trail of a road,” he said. “But also too we need to make sure that our right of way is going to benefit us.”

Chandler said he spoke with the church connected to the road and they offered their driveway as a detour while the work is taking place.

“Anything wider than what it currently is is going to be safer for the school buses and children going on it,” Commissioner Tabitha Denney said.
