Monday, January 20, 2025
Happening Now

This Week: White County Fire Merger; Cumberland Discusses Hiring

White County Commissioners will vote Monday night on the proposed merger of the Central View and Mt. Gilead Fire Departments.

The two departments asked for the move as a way to increase efficiency. Commissioners will also discuss plans to establish new speed limits on Blue Springs Road, and Duck Pond Road. The meeting begins Monday at 6pm at the County Courthouse.

Overton County Commissioners will consider a resolution opposing the proposed Cedar Recovery drug center. The organization had wanted to locate a recovery center in Rickman, but decided against it after a public meeting featured vocal criticism of the idea. Meeting time is Monday at 5:30pm.

Putnam County Commissioners will vote on proposed options for the old fairgrounds property. The federal government is interested in using a piece of the property for a new Cookeville VA Clinic. Commissioners will also discuss the rental costs charged to the Fair Board. Committee meetings begin at 5:30pm.

The Cumberland County Commission will consider the hiring of a Codes Director and an Emergency Medical Services Medical Director during its Monday meeting. Start time is 6pm.

A new broadband grant on the agenda for Fentress County Commissioners Monday night. Meeting time 6:00pm. Warren County Commissioners will examine the lease for the Senior Center. That meeting begins Monday at 6:30pm.

Tuesday, the issue of security at the Spencer Convenience Center will be a topic for Van Buren County Commissioners at the 6:00pm meeting. The Overton County School Board meets at 6:30pm.

The Executive Board of the Upper Cumberland Development District meets Wednesday at 9am, immediately followed by a meeting of the Executive Board of the Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency.

Thursday night, the Cookeville and Sparta City Councils meet. Spencer Aldermen meet Thursday at 5:30 pm. The Clay County Board of Education meets Thursday at 6 pm.
