Friday, February 14, 2025
Happening Now

This Week: Dronebarger’s Contract Renewal, New Fire Truck On Agenda

This week the White County Board of Education will consider a renewal of Director of Schools Kurt Dronebarger’s employment contract.

The board agreed to review his contract several months ahead of schedule to avoid a potential change in leadership right before the start of a new budget year. The new contract proposal is online at the school board’s website for the public to see before this week’s meeting takes place. Start time is Thursday at 6:00pm.

Fentress County Commissioners meet in special session Monday to consider a new fire truck.

Pickett County’s Board of Education meets Monday at 5:00pm. Byrdstown Aldermen get an update on water and sewer projects during their Monday meeting.

The Jackson County Commission meets on Monday at 7:00pm. They will have an executive session regarding Tom Allen Road and Webster Branch Road.

Tuesday at 5:00pm the Overton County Commission meets.

The Algood City Council will consider a proposal for updated software sponsored by City Administrator Keith Morrison. The meeting begins at 6:00pm Tuesday.

Also Tuesday at 6:00pm Crossville’s City Council will meet to discuss the terms of a lease renewal agreement for the landfill property. They will also consider a bid for improvements to their water treatment system.

Wednesday at 5:30pm the Celina City Council meets. Also Wednesday, the Overton County Board of Education meets at 6:30pm.

Thursday at 6:00pm the Clay County Board of Education meets.

The Putnam County Emergency Communications District Board meets at 11:00am on Friday. The Fentress County Joint Economic Community Development Board Committee also meets Friday.
