Thursday, February 13, 2025
Happening Now

Sunset Marina Owner Tom Allen Thankful For Community Support And Prayers

Sunset Marina Owner Tom Allen says prayer and community support is helping his family and team move forward after losing the storefront in a fire Thursday evening.

Allen said he was in the upper parking lot taking drone footage of the marina when he heard a loud explosion. Turning around, he said the flames coming from the marina had him preparing for severe injuries, even fatalities.

Allen said he stopped to get the portable firefighting wagon that pumps water from the lake, but by the time water was flowing it had overcome him with smoke. He was later treated at the ER for smoke inhalation.

“I’ve had marine owners from all over coming to help, I’ve had volunteers from the community volunteering to help and people bringing food and water wanting to help,” Allen said. “Most of all we’ve had a lot of people praying for us, and I know that’s what will get us through this and get us back on our feet.”

Allen said he is doing fine now, but feels numb and emotionless trying to work through everything. He said right now it appears the restaurant and the restrooms sustained little damage.

Allen said Sunset Marina experienced a tragedy like this about 27 years ago, when they lost their floating store and restaurant to another fire which he hoped would never happen again.  Allen said right now he is dealing with insurance and does not know when plans to rebuild will happen. However, he said he knows that they will rebuild.

“I just pray that customers have patience the remaining part of the summer and the fall because we will not be back in business in the store immediately,” Allen said. “But I’ve got a very good crew and a very determined crew and I live in a very loyal community and I have a strong family and a strong faith and we will rebuild.”

Allen said his General Manager Brad Richardson was on the fuel dock helping a houseboat refuel. He said a fairly heavy west wind pushed the houseboat forward, and from what they understand now, the houseboat had lost power and could not put it in reverse, hitting a fuel dispenser.

“If I tried to thank everybody that’s helped over the last 15 to 18 hours I would leave so many people out because the outpouring of support has just been tremendous so just from the bottom of our hearts we want to thank everybody,” Allen said. “And most of all we thank the good Lord above for saving us and keeping us safe and from having anything worse or more severe.”
