Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Happening Now

Rodgers Re-Elected As Chair Of County Commission; New Public Comment Policy

Putnam County Commissioners re-elected Ben Rodgers as chair for the new commission year Monday night.

Commissioner Chris Cassetty will serve as chair pro-tem. The Commission’s Fiscal Review committee elected Kathy Dunn as chair with Cathy Reel elected as vice chair. Terry Randolph selected as chair of Planning Committee, with Darren Wilson elected as vice chair. Commissioners voted on multiple appointments Monday.

Commissioners also approved a new public comment section of the meeting. Residents can ask to speak on agenda items five days prior to the meeting by contacting Mayor Randy Porters office. Up to four speakers per agenda item are allowed with each speaker receiving two minutes.

County Attorney said the policy recommended by the commission’s rules committee establishes a baseline for control.

The policy a result of a new state law that seeks to ensure public comment is permitted at all public meetings.

Commissioners also voted to give Porter the chance to apply for grants without commission approval. The idea came up at the August meeting as a way to speed up the county processes. Commissioners will still have to vote to accept any grant money.
