Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Putnam Co. Serving As Pick Up Location For Tree Day Sale

The Putnam County Soil Conservation District will serve as a hub for a discounted tree sale for the Upper Cumberland.

Secretary Katrina Green said the district is partnering with the Tennessee Environmental Council for Tree Day on March 20th.

“We’re going to be helping host in March,” Green said. “To try and help spread the word about different native trees to our area and try to get people some pretty nice trees at a discounted rate.”

Green said people have until March 7th to place an order for 10 different varieties. Green said each bare-root sapling will cost $1.99.

“They’re gonna have baldcypress, eastern redbud, northern red oak, white oak,” Green said. “They did have native sweet pecan, but I do believe they have sold out of those. Shortleaf pine, red mulberry, sweet gum, tulip popular, wild plum and buttonbush. They did have a silky dogwood, but they sold out of that one also.”

Green said since Putnam County is a major pick-up site two other special options will be available. Elderberry and pawpaw trees for $4.99. Green said all orders can be made through the Tennessee Environmental Council website.

“They ask you to pick your region, so there is west, central and east,” green said. “We’re central, so they would just go in there and choose central region as their pick up site, and they will choose the location they want to pick them up from. Our location is the Putnam County Soil Conservation District.”

Pick ups run from March 19th-20th. Green said a representative of the Tennessee Department of Forestry will be present to answer any questions about the newly acquired trees.
