Sunday, December 22, 2024
Happening Now

Putnam Planning Commission Approves Preliminary 49-Lot Moss Road Plat

Putnam County Planning Commission approved the preliminary plat of a new 49-lot subdivision on some 47.72 acres along Moss Road.

The proposed subdivision near the Ditty Road intersection was approved, but with a few stipulations. Planning Director Kevin Rush said that there could be potential sight issues along the road.

“Depending on the exact location where this tees into Moss Road, there could be some sight distance issues looking back towards Moss Road,” “And it looks like the closer that road is to the D and N Colchester property, the better.”

Commission member Phil Wilbourn said he had concerns with there only being one entrance to a larger subdivision. He said that it could pose potential safety concerns.

Rush said that’s why he suggests an additional five feet of right of way on either side of the entrance should the need for a turning lane arise.

“Because as the subdivision develops and traffic patterns emerge, it might be something that is needed but it’s hard to tell at this point,” Rush said. “I have a feeling that traffic would come out, turn left, and go down to Ditty Road. There could be some going the other way towards Moss Road, but I would anticipate most of it going towards Ditty Road.”

He also said that in regard to traffic safety, he believes Moss Road is an adequate road for such traffic with 18 feet of surfacing for two cars to easily pass. Commission member David Mattson said that he believes there is adequate water flow to accommodate the proposed subdivision.

In other business, the commission re-elected Jere Mason, Dale Moss, and Mike Atwood as Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary respectively.
