Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Putnam Fair Events Kick Off With Draft Horse And Mule Show

Putnam County Fair is kicking off events before the fair even starts with the Draft Horse and Mule Show.

Fair Board Horse Committee Chairman Lori Love said 37 classes will be judged on Saturday. Love said it is an exciting opportunity to kick off fair events in the main arena.

“Anywhere from halter of all three of those animals to the cart and the wagon classes where they’re actually driven,” Love said. “All those are judged events and then the final event is an award for the high point winner of the day.”

Love said that donkeys and draft horses make a mule and that’s why they’re showcased together. She said the judging will be partly based on using animals the same way they were before tractors.

“Within the show you have a chance to see the halter judged, their confirmation and their ability,” Love said. “Then we have a skilled driving class that would represent taking your crops to market and the obstacles you would have to drive your mule through to make that happen.”

Love said that there is a large following in the region for draft horses and mules.

“Putnam County actually has one of the largest shows in the southeast,” Love said. “Prize money is given out and we usually have a fairly large turnout from everywhere from mares and their foals to individual wagons and things like that.”

The Draft Horse and Mule Show is Saturday at 2:00 PM at the Putnam County Fairgrounds. Love said that even though the show is before the fair, concessions and usual amenities will be available.
