Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Putnam Election Office Opens Election Process For 2022

Monday opened the election process for 2022 with candidates able to pick up papers to file.

Putnam Election Administrator Michelle Honeycutt said every county office except for the assessor will be included on the May ballot.

“They have to get signatures from registered voters in whatever district they are running in,” Honeycutt said. “We check those, verify them and if they have enough which is 25 good ones, then they can be on the ballot.”

Honeycutt said May’s election will be different this year with a Republican primary for school board seats. Honeycutt said city offices and independent school board candidates will be up for election in August.

“When we get it back in, we will check the names,” Honeycutt said. “We look them all up in our voter system. We verify the person is a registered voter at the correct address they put down on the petition and we compare signatures. If everything matches, that’s one good signature.”

Honeycutt said so far, several county commissioners have already picked up their papers. Honeycutt said signatures are due by February 17th at noon.

“If they turn it in early enough, and they don’t have their 25 legitimate signatures, they can come and pick it up, take it back and go get some more and bring it back,” Honeycutt said.
