Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Putnam County Schools Release Spring 2021-22 TCAP Results

Putnam County Schools TCAP data reflect gains in math scores, but still haven’t achieved pre-pandemic levels.

Those scores grew from 30 percent to 33 percent over the last year.

ESSER, Testing, and Data Supervisor Jason Stickler said after receiving the preliminary state data, most numbers look on par with their expectations. However, there is work to be done.

“It is aligned with the state average, and we know that we’re working tirelessly everyday,” Stickler said. “Our teachers, parents, community, administrators, are working tirelessly to get that number up each year.”

In 2022, Putnam students exceeded pre-pandemic levels and the state average, with 37% meeting or exceeding expectations.

“This is a big win for our district in ELA,” Director of Schools Corby King said. “With all that is happening in education, we are seeing students recover, and trend data shows us that students are moving in the right direction from below and approaching expectations to meet and exceed expectations.”

Stickler said they will continue to address learning loss and encourage student achievement in the coming years. He said that they have several initiatives in place to help in that process, including additional instructional coaches and implementing an intervention curriculum to help close the learning loss gaps in reading, math, and science.

“Our educators and students’ hard work and continuous efforts are seen through our data this year,” King said. “Although we still have improvements to make, the positive gains indicate that we are helping students meet achievement goals.”

Stickler said that as of July 15th, parents can access TCAP data through the updated state portal. He said that he wanted to thank parents, teachers, and the community as a whole for their continued efforts toward student success.
