Friday, March 21, 2025
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Putnam Commissioners To Consider Cost Of Living Raise

When the Putnam County Commissioners meet next Monday to potentially decide on a new budget, they will consider cost of living adjustments for employees.

Commissioner Jonathan Williams asked to see what a two percent increase for full-time employees and four percent for police, fire, and EMS workers would cost the county.

Putnam County Mayor Randy Porter said the county has some 508 full-time employees. He provided the budget committee with data on a $100 cost of living increase. That would cost the county $50,800. A $500 cost of living increase would cost the county $254,000.

“It’s really hard to figure part-time,” Porter said. “Because we’ve got about 148 part-time employees, but you’ve got some of those that may work 10 hours this month and may not work any next month. And then, you’ve got some of them that are regular employees, like at solid waste, that work every week.”

He said a 25-cent raise for part-time employees would equate to some $390 annually for those who work 30 hours each week.

Williams said the county offered a major adjustment last year and two percent across the board may not be possible, but he would like to see the numbers before making a decision.

“The City of Cookeville is doing a two percent cost of living for their regular employees and four percent for police and fire,” Porter said.
