Thursday, March 6, 2025
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Putnam Begins Budgeting; Step Raises Biggest Increase

Putnam County began its budgeting process Monday night and planned meetings with department heads to discuss increased funding requests.

Putnam County Mayor Randy Porter presented a proposed budget to the budget committee that includes an increase in county general expenditures of some $2.8 million from last year. He said some $1 million of that comes from step raises.

“Most of the offices are pay scale increases where that you increase the pay scale,” Porter said. “Knock it down to where you’re doubling the payscale raises from $600 to $1,200 for most folks, and emergency services, from $1,000 to $2,000.”

The budget includes a handful of additional employees, including two in the County Trustee’s Office, one in the Register of Deeds Office, and two new part-time Sheriff’s Officers.

Porter said some items in the budget are subject to major change as the committee meets with department heads. He said, for example, Putnam County Schools will meet with the committee on Monday to discuss some capital projects they hope to have in the budget. The committee also scheduled meetings with the Register of Deeds, Sheriff, Property Assessor, and Assessor of Deeds on May 20, June 3, and June 10.

“After y’all have had a chance to look at these, at your May 20 meeting, you may decide you want to meet with somebody else,” Porter said.

The proposed budget also includes some $100,000 less in requested funds for economic development.

Porter said the committee will meet over the coming months to finalize numbers. He said when April’s revenue is calculated, he will start bringing updated revenue estimates each month.
