Monday, January 20, 2025
Happening Now

Progress Being Made For More Capacity At Sparta Industrial Park

Sparta City Administrator Brad Hennessee said the city is making progress on the Wilson Sporting Goods sewer pump station project.

“The wet well was set last week,” Hennessee said. “Coding for the wet well will be done next week. They’re still waiting on some parts, but once those parts are in place, that project should finish up shortly.”

Hennessee said the station serves the city’s Industrial Park. Hennessee said developments have out grown the current pump, so a rebuilt system will allow for more capacity.

“The pump station does allow for expansion of the Industrial Park,” Hennessee said. “It had some age one it, but it was oversize to begin with. It has some room to grow the pump station itself.”

Hennessee the project has been on the table for a long time, but the city sees the light at the end of the tunnel. The bid for work was awarded last November and was delayed over demand for equipment.
