Friday, January 10, 2025
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Previous Putnam Budget Chair Says There Is Value In New Commissioners Joining Budget Talks

A mixture of new and old faces will serve on this year’s Putnam County Budget Committee.

Commission Chair Ben Rodgers served as the committee chair last year and will once again be a part of the process.. Rodgers said he sees benefits in having a mixture of opinions.

Rodgers-1                     (:16)             A Good Combination

Mayor Randy Porter appointed the nine-member committee Tuesday. Commissioner Chevin Eldridge was the only first time commissioner selected. However, some commissioners that have served several years will be new to the committee.

Rodgers said from his experience, the most impactful committees are the ones willing to collaborate. Rodgers said communication will be the most important aspect followed by the making decisions with the county’s best interest.

Rodgers said the committee should prepare for a big time investment as well as a willingness to learn to understand the county’s funding mechanisms. Last year, the committee spent several hours over several meetings before recommending a proposal.

Porter’s recommendation must be confirmed by the full commission before starting work.
