Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

Poke Sallet Festival Returns To Gainesboro

One of the biggest events in Gainesboro comes back Thursday after a two-year hiatus.

The 44th annual Poke Sallet Festival organized by the American Legion Post 129 returns. Commander Dale Smith said the three-day festival at town square will have live music, vendors and a few famous competitions.

“We start preparing late on Wednesday afternoon marking and closing off the streets,” Smith said. “Then on Thursday morning vendors will start coming in pretty hard. Friday and Saturday are the big days.”

Smith said the main attraction is the famous outhouse race. Smith said the competition has happened each year since the festival began. Smith said teams of five people push outdoor toilets with wheels through town.

“We start down at the police station and go all the way up through town,” Smith said. “The ole’ famous outhouse race. We got two pushing, two pulling and one riding.”

Smith said he anticipates a good turnout this year. Smith said he believes the community has missed the event and is excited for the return.

“The Legion, every penny that we make we try to spend it on our Jackson County people,” Smith said. “We’ll send five girls and five boys to girls state and boys state. We’ll buy tombstones and foot markers for veterans.”

Smith said festival goers can also compete in the Poke Sallet eating contest. Smith said a new addition will also come this year with a new dog show. Smith said the children’s carnival that usually attends will not be present this year, but bouncy houses and children’s games will be available.
