Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Happening Now

PCSS Interested In Exploring HRS Partnership In New Sewer Lift Station

Putnam County Schools is interested in exploring a partnership with Highlands Residential for a sewer lift station by Cane Creek School.

Civil Engineer Scott Nicholson said that Highlands Residential is required to put a new sanitary and sewer lift station at its new development by the school. He said that the city thought with the new pump station, the new development, Eagles Landing Apartments, and Cane Creek Elementary might be able to share one station.

“And when we started looking at it, we could not get Cane Creek School to our lift station on our side of the TVA easement,” “Without then continuing to pump. So what we looked at at that point was can we make grade if we were to drain everything to the backside of the Cane Creek School property and pump from that location, and it appears that we can do that.”

Nicholson said that would eliminate Cane Creek’s current substation and allow it to gravity onto the city’s new station. He said it could eliminate costs to the school, and that they think it’s a win for everybody.

Putnam Schools Facilities Director John Magura said that over the past year the school has spent multiple thousands of dollars on work at its current pump station. He said that any time you can eliminate a pump station, you should.

“I would highly recommend moving forward with this,” Magura said.

Magura said that the area that would be used for the pump station is likely not a portion of land they would develop in the future. Nicholson said that the new station would be fenced in and far back from the school to ensure the safety of the students.
